Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Khmer why
Khmer why

Monday, July 12, 2010

Emily Dickinson On NPR July 6, 2010

Hello Classmates and Pete,

I splurged for my birthday this year and finally got an I-Phone. I've been coveting them for a couple of years now, but couldn't justify the expense while my Blackberry still was functional. Fortunately my Blackberry realized it was my birthday (probably because it was tired of hearing me bemoaning the aging process) and decided to stop charging it's battery. This forced me to take the leap into the I-Phone world. OK...I wasn't exactly forced, but instead of signing a new two year contract with a phone I wasn't that excited about, I decided that it would be better to the the I-phone now.

One of my favorite features so far with this little magic box is Pod Casts. I can listen to these while I'm working in my little whack-a-mole cube and it makes my day seem just a little bit more interesting. I started with Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, then moved on to Bill Maher. After that I found Bill Burr. (Must have been stuck on Bill's that day). I decided after listening to Bill Burr I needed to wash my brain out with soap, so I found NPR's Fresh Air. That did the trick!!

The first show was on Emily Dickinson. The first interview is with Bill Collins. He has an interesting perspective on how her life influenced her writing. The second interview is with Lyndall Gordon. "Gordon says that several of those unaltered poems offer clues about why Dickinson rarely left her home: She may have had epilepsy." It's neat to hear people that are a fan of her work discuss her work. And these two people are clearly fans.

Here is the link to the show. You can listen to the show without a little magic box, all you need is a computer and some speakers or headphones.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Donde esta mi amigos?

Classmates, Pete,

Let me first say that I miss you all! I check this blog for updates all the time hoping there will be a witty post by one of my stellar classmates but sadly there never is :( I have a few random and not really interesting things to say:

1. Ever seen the movie Role Models? Well.... in the scene where Auggie stomps up the stairs in anger away from his step dad and former mentor, the step dad calls Auggie a "cooze" under his breath. I totally rewound and checked. Why would he say this? The possibilities are endless.

2. Pete, I read Child of God. Wayyy more entertaining than The Crossing. While the violence is a little much to stomach, as we all know I love a good crime show. I can totally see this happening in real life so it was awesome. Was Ballard the evil character you talked about in class or was it from another book? Anyways, great book, very short compared to The Crossing....READ IT.

3. I bought a Frisbee.

4. I am now reading some Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, as recommended by Hillary. So far...I do not like the way the pages of the book feel but I'm trying to get over that.

I hope everyone is having a dope summer!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The future of Literature

This is something I wanted to discuss in class, but we always seemed too busy working on our assigned stuff and I never found a good time to bring it up. So, this is the perfect place!

I heard this story on Morning Edition shortly before our class began. They are talking about the impact that the internet, Twitter, Kindel and other forms of electronic writing will have on the way we read and write in the future. Will we give up paper books? Will we loose our appreciation for colorful language in exchange for quick information? I would love to hear your comments.

Here is the link.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pre-school . . . a, b, c-ya!

My youngest graduated from pre-school today. Here's a picture that speaks volumes. One of his presents was a new watch, and he hasn't stopped checking the time for two days. In this picture he is busy reminding me that picture time is OVER.

Not related to our scholarly work, but just keeping all my peeps up to date on current events.

By the way, would anyone like to arrange another lunch-y kind of get together soon? I have a pool at my apartment complex.